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Linkedin Rock Content Instagram Rock Content Facebook Rock Content Iran WhatsApp Number DataTwitter Rock Content Youtube A la cimaUnderstand what Clickbait is and why you should not use this strategy Clickbait is a tactic used to generate online traffic through exaggerated titles and impossible promises. Therefore, discover in this content how you can escape this practice and create truly valuable content for yourself. Editor Rock Content Mar , | min read clickbait Imagine

yourself in the following situation: you are browsing the Internet, when suddenly, you come across a content post on social networks . The title promises to answer once and for all that cruel doubt about a matter that interests you a lot. You stop everything you're doing, after all, how are you going to ignore content like that, right? In less than five minutes after opening the link, frustration comes: the article did not answer the question and moved away from "the promise" proposed in the title. The feeling of having been caught by a tempting bait has a name and it is called clickbait. If you want to know more about this technique and discover if it is indicated in digital strategies, this text is for you (really, without false promises)! What is clickbait Clickbaits are defined as