Remarketing List. WhatIs NOT Required To Set This Up? Universal Event Tracking Data managementprovider access First-party customer data Software integration 24. ExclusionsYou Set At The Campaign Level Will Always Cascade Down To All Of The Ads InYour Campaign, Regardless Of Ad Group Settings. True Or False? True False 25.Device Investment (Desktops/Laptops, Tablets And Smartphones) Can Be ControlledBy Bid Modifiers Of: (Select 2) 900% -1000% 1000% -100% 26. What Is The MainAdvantage Of Using Dynamic Text In Your Ads? Allows you to exceed the characterlimits for Microsoft Advertising ads. Helps you find synonyms for the keywordsyou’ve chosen. Displays
ads only to customersmost interested in purchasing. Turns generic ads into custom ads. 27. What AreThe Italy WhatsApp Number Data Campaign And Image Limits With Google Import For Audience Campaigns? 10,000campaigns and 2,000 images per import operation 20,000 ‹ campaigns and 3,000 imagesper import operation 5,000 ‹ campaigns and 1,000 images per import campaign30,000 campaigns and 4,000 images per campaign None of the above 28. What BidStrategies Are Currently 
Available For BidOptimization? Choose All That Apply. Manual Enhanced CPC Target CPA MaximizeClicks and Conversions All of the above 29. Coho Winery Wants Their Ad ToDisplay For The Keyword “White Wines” When A Customer’s Search Query Is Either“White Wines” Or “Buy Wines White.” Which Keyword Match Option Should They Select?Broad match Phrase match Exact match Negative keyword 30. You Want To DetermineWhich Ads Lead To Clicks And Conversions, And Which Are Not Performing. WhichType Of Report Should You Select? Campaign report Ad report Keyword reportSearch term report Ad group report 31.