Click fraud is when bots, pretending to be legitimate users, click on ads multiple times with malicious intent. Sometimes companies will try to use click fraud to sabotage their competitors by using false clicks to waste the competition’s budget, amongst other reasons. As a result, it’s crucial to keep track of your ads to ensure click fraud isn’t happening to you. Keep in mind that Google has protections in place to help with click fraud, but it’s not perfect. That’s why it’s paramount that you actively monitor your PPC campaigns to ensure fraudulent clicks aren’t happening.
The best thing you can do is learn how to identify irregular traffic and Brazil WhatsApp Number Data the steps you can take to prevent it. Check out Google’s resources to help protect the validity of your ad traffic. PPC trend #17: Increasing use of video ads Want more pay-per-click trends? Here’s another: One of the top trends for 2024 is using more video ads. In today’s world, people’s attention spans are shorter than ever –– the average attention span is 8 seconds. But the average video watch time is 2.7 minutes. way to keep your audience’s attention –– so why not use them for your ads? You can use PPC video ads on social media, through Google’s Display Network, and more.

Here are some tips for creating click-worthy video ads: Tell your story without sound: A crucial component of successful PPC video ads is telling the story without sound. Many people will watch your video ads without hearing them, so you must ensure your video tells your audience everything they need to know without saying it. Catch your audience’s attention immediately: Users still have short attention spans, so you need to catch their attention immediately. Make sure your videos are eye-catching or thought-provoking from the first second. Use a clear call to action (CTA): Once your audience finishes watching your video, you must tell them how to proceed.