Analyze your server's latency and contact your hosting company if it's too long. Normally it's about half a second. Use a lazy loading plugin and load only the image you are currently viewing. Another option that is gaining more and more followers and becoming a trendy caching plugin is WP Rocket, but it is a paid plugin and although I tell you it is worth the investment, I have had it on my blog since years ago. Changed from W Total Cache to Wp Rocket. Improving User Experience You must think that you have to provide your users with the exact information they are looking for and that they can access said information in the easiest possible way, to do this follow the tips below.
Avoid long paragraphs and always summarize to make reading easier and add easy-to-read lists Belgium WhatsApp Number Add a navigation menu to enable users to find what they want in the shortest possible time. Summarize the article's most important ideas in an infographic. Always arrange information in order of importance; the most important things are always at the top, then the body of the content, and the least important things at the bottom. Give your content a pleasing and interesting visual appearance that will make your visitors stay longer. Try to reach as wide a range of users as possible so you can keep your bounce rate as low as possible.

Taking full advantage of the possibilities of on-page SEO for content This part is probably the easiest to understand and apply, but it is also very important and an aspect we cannot fail on. Follow these tips: Take advantage of semantics. Always use synonyms and similar words, this will help you get indexed for more keywords and I assure you it will work really well. Density and prominence. Although density is certainly the best known, you must consider both values. Always use a density between % and %. Article title. Always include your keyword as far left as possible and complete it with a call to action or a word that forms or completes the long tail. Meta title.