Good examples of micro-copy include: form field tooltips, “What's this?” links, and pop-up tooltips. Microcopy: the art of brevitas Krug’s third rule is “get rid of half the words on each page, and then get rid of half the rest.” This is a principle that was not developed just for the fast-paced world of the web, but has its roots in the Latin world . Brevitas was indicated in rhetoric as one of the virtues of speech and as the ability to express profound meanings through concise words .Micro-copy-bread-crumbs-1 Wanting to make a comparison by extension, the secret of micro-copy consists in expressing through minimal compositions of words , the primary intent of a page, a section or a website.
Microcopy is the art of knowing how to find the essential words to reduce the gap between explanation and understanding . In conclusion, every time we think we have created an aesthetically appealing page, microcopy reminds us that we should never lose sight marketing list of the idea that what seems easy and intuitive to us , may not be so for the majority of users who land on a page or visit a website. Microcopy works on websites like breadcrumbs in fairy tales : it helps us orient ourselves when we think we've lost our way home… Read also our article “Write and let live – how to use inclusive and accessible writing to make a difference” and if the topic intrigues you, contact us for a consultation !Creating your own digital image is every brand's dream.
But where do the contents and texts that fill the pages of a website and social media and allow blogs to be constantly updated come from or are born? Simply, from the copywriter. The secret of a good web copywriter is precisely this: having a magic word for every situation and every objective. However, empathizing and writing in the shoes of many very different brands is not always immediate. The copywriter is one, no one and a hundred thousand different faces. One, no one and a hundred thousand online pages. One, no one and a hundred thousand ideas to propose; but always and in any case an artist and a technician of words .