Editors Are There? One decision you’ll need to make after learning how to become a freelance editor is what type of editor you’d like to be. Here’s a look at the most common types and a few of the duties of each. Copy Editors Also sometimes called line editors, copy editors oversee the mechanical aspects of a piece of written text. Among other things, they may polish a writer’s grammar, word choices, and sentence structure. If they’re editing a non-fiction text, they may also do some fact-checking or possibly even additional research.
Developmental Editors Developmental editors Canada WhatsApp Number Data typically deal with ideas and text concepts while still in the brainstorming phase. They can (and often do) apply what they know about the industry to help writers structure and organize their ideas. They may also look at existing or in-progress manuscripts with the bigger picture in mind, helping to improve the flow of the content as it comes together. Proofreaders Proofreaders are similar to copy editors in that they go over a text in search of grammar issues, typos, and similar problems.

However, theirs is often the last set of eyes to look over an otherwise finished text or manuscript before it’s finalized. Think of a proofreader as the person responsible for applying that final layer of polish before a piece of writing goes live. What Skills Does a Freelance Editor Need? A good freelance editor planning a career in today’s digital space needs a good mixture of hard and soft skills. (Hard skills are measurable, teachable skills necessary to perform a job correctly, while soft skills are critical personal traits someone brings to the table as an individual.) Hard skills a freelance editor.