You do not own or store the products, but you market the product to the customer, and when he orders it from you, you send it to him through the factory or store. Thus, you do not bear any administrative or logistical burdens, while you get a profit from the difference between what the customer paid and what you will pay to the product owner. You can start e-commerce or drop shipping in several ways, including: Selling on sites such as Amazon, Jumia and Noon.
Create a website on WordPress or any content management system dedicated Phone Number Data to e-commerce. Create a completely online store without content management systems. Selling on social media platforms without a website. 5. Live broadcasts Live broadcasts are one of the most profitable ways to profit from the Internet in Egypt. Now there are hundreds of streamers who earn hard currency from them. What is special about this method is that it does not require a lot of effort like other methods, as it does not require a lot of preparation beforehand. But if you want to start broadcasting, you must have several things, the first of which is time, as live broadcasts require you to be present for long hours.

In addition to time, you must have something that attracts viewers to come to you, who are often young, and most of the broadcasts are centered around playing electronic games or similar activities. If you have talent in any game or know how to create drama while playing to keep spectators focused and not leave the broadcast, then this is all you need. You will receive profits in several forms, the most prominent of which are the gifts you receive during the broadcast and the advertisements you display during it, in addition to the possibility of using those broadcasts to create individual content for social media pages to be another source of income without any additional effort.