Perfect experience to bring about wave after wave of repurchase boom Behind the popularity of the track it is nothing more than grasping the weaknesses of farfield ecommerce and providing a more efficient everything at home experience Therefore the core of competition in local life is a mature and efficient distribution system Which platform has high contract fulfillment efficiency and good delivery services will greatly enhance its
competitiveness Of course the establishment of this system did not happen overnight Meituans biggest advantage lies in its fulfillment and delivery capabilities Even if Douyin cooperates with Eleme and others to make USA Student Phone Number List up for its shortcomings it can only remain on the surface and building its own food delivery platform is not a days work The advantage of Tencents entry into local life lies in connection Zhang Xiaolong once used the word connection to describe WeChats ten years of development Ma Huateng also said at an internal meeting at the end of Tencent should combine small program ecommerce services with industrial Internet digital content In other words connection is the key word to understand Tencents development path Connectivity is not only reflected in connecting more offline
contact points connecting more content scenarios in the WeChat ecosystem official accounts mini programs video accounts etc and connecting new business models Qiwei WeChat customer service WeChat payment etc it is also reflected in attracting more highquality merchants to settle in head brands recruiting more brand digital service providers Weimob etc to empower and cooperating with excellent instant delivery platforms SF Express etc Enterprise WeChat connects people who consume mini programs provide goods for consumption and live video accounts build a field of consumption Figure.