What are the reasons for being bad? How to fix a bad . Discover your . How can you help? what is .? Why is it important? .() means render the largest content element. . is a measure of page speed that tells you how long it takes for your website's main content to load (basically when the website is visible to users). . Integrated into the user experience. Typically, users don't like to wait for a website to load if they can immediately get a better experience elsewhere. If your . is poor, you may experience a higher bounce rate and your overall ranking may suffer. A bad . can even lead to lower conversion rates, which is bad for your business.
Due to updates to the rendering of .'s largest content element, . has become a more important factor in your ranking in search results. In order to continue to position organically and maintain those visits, it's important to India Phone Number be in the top . . Applies only to main content above the fold. This includes any images, videos, and blocks of text that are displayed so that users can find them without scrolling. Keep this in mind when looking at problem areas. Define good or bad . As per . guidelines, the main content of a page should load within the first seconds of a user's visit for good . The image below shows you in more detail: .-. If your users have to wait five seconds or more for your main content to load (that is, if your . is poor and needs improvement), they are likely to look for other places. . guidelines specify that your . needs to rank as "Good" at least % of the time.

If you can do this, your performance will skyrocket. We'll look at your specific... later. Now, let's focus on the common causes of bad . and how to deal with them. Find and Fix Errors in Sitemaps with Site Audits Try Now → ADS Illustration . What are the causes of badness? Technically, there are countless reasons why . is bad. It can be anything that takes up a lot of space: a media player that can cause the page to load slowly, an image slider, social media buttons, or even widgets like logins, newsletter subscription forms, and more. But let's be more specific. .-. As shown in the figure above, the factors that lead to bad . are generally divided into four main categories: Slow server response time Slow server response time As you can see,