Enter " icon " in the search window and click " icon ". Click " Change alignment " and then " Center ". Set the Font Awesome icon from the settings sidebar on the right side of the screen. In " icon settings "Select iconClick. Font Awesome icon listClick to open the search screen. If you search for " chair ", " chair " will come up, so click on it. Copy the corresponding code and paste it into "Icon (Font Awesome 6 Free)". * The part marked as <i class="fa-solid fa-chair"></i> icon as shown below. The procedure for setting Font Awesome icons is explained in detail in the article on creating the top page. Please refer to "STEP.15 Edit the button" in "Creating [Office Pro 3 Strengths]" . STEP 12 Edit icon block Edit the installed icon block as follows. icon Size : 64px Margin.
0px Style : icon only Color : key color STEP 13 Delete an image block list of phone numbers Click on the circled image below the icon, then click " ⋮ " and then " Delete image ". STEP 14 Edit heading Select the heading `` Professional Coordination Suggestion '' and enter `` Available for rental from 1 item .'' Next, adjust the heading size. Click the mark ``Set custom size '' next to ` ` Size default '' under ` `Typography '' in the settings sidebar on the right side of the screen . Change the unit to " REM ". Enter 1.2 for Size (Custom). The size of the heading " Available for rental from 1 item " has been changed to make it slightly smaller. Let's check the current status in preview. Top right of the editing screenpreviewClick Preview in new tab . Beware of changes in WordPress specifications (Added: 2023/09) From WordPress6.3, the preview display at the top right of the editing screen has been changed. Before change: "Preview" is displayed as text. After change: "Preview" is displayed as an icon. Before change (WordPress 6.2 and earlier) After change (WordPress 6.3 or later) The left column now looks like this: point.

There is no space between the chair icon and "Rental from 1 item", so it looks crowded. A suitable margin is automatically added under the heading, so there is a margin between "Rental available from 1 item" and "We will hear about the current situation." Adjust each margin to better align icons and headings within the column. With the heading " Rental available from 1 item " selected, click " Block margin ". Click " Top sm " and " Bottom 0 " to apply. Top sm : Set a "small" margin above the selected heading block Bottom 0 : Remove the bottom margin of the selected heading block Check the preview again. There is now a reasonable amount of space between the chair icon and " Rental available from 1 item ". Also, the blank space under " Rentable from 1 item " has been removed. STEP 15 delete a paragraph There is no need to "hear the current situation".